
No they didn't

PB_DaisyChainImage, originally uploaded by Knitterista.

I totally had this idea first...trust me. I wore those damn morning sickness ugly ass elastic grey sweatband looking things for two/three months in the beginning of my pregnancy and I said, "wouldn't it be brilliant of me to come up with these that are super stylish and cute?" No lie, I totally said that to everyone that noticed me wearing those nasty things. And, now that I don't need them anymore, someone snatched my brilliant idea and had them made. Their glorious...and I'm jealous. I totally recommend for those preggo ladies out there that these saved my life when I had morning sickness. I would totally buy all of these.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those are fancy versions of those ugly SeaBands, which my mom has had since I was a kid for car sickness. They actually press on an acupuncture point which is well known for relieving nausea. I'm in grad school for acupuncture, though really only currently at the level that I can say "they press on an acupuncture point which is well known for relieving nausea" and not much else about it-- ha!

Fab blog, randomly saw you had linked me and have linked you back. Cheers!