So not a fashion statement

but, at least it's pink!
I started a new job last Monday. As I was leaving the building at the end of my very first day, the heel of my gorgeous high-heeled black leather boots clipped a crack and I went flying. There was no stopping me. I basically landed on all fours, skinned my knees, sprained my right wrist and fractured my left, hence the lovely cast. This totally suckity suck suck sucks!!!!! In my whole 30-something years, I have never broken anything. This freakin' cast is so claustrophobic I could just scream! Argh!!!!!!
I have a couple of months at least with this thing. Insane!
So, there will be very slow progress on knitting if any at all. And, I was going to get back on my scooter this spring...not happening until this is off, especially since you shift with the left hand. Not a good kick-off to the warm weather ahead.