
I have a busy little weekend ahead of me...

The girls (me and Toni) of Sputnik Scooter Club have organized an All Girls Shoppin' & Scootin' Ride for lady riders. The gang is going to dress up vintage for the ride (Hopefully we'll look as hot as Audrey below - love that pic from Roman Holiday). We're going to go all over town and buy stuff. It will be fun. Stopping at vintage shops and shoe, clothing and gift shops then stopping off for a cocktail to top off the day. I hope a lot of new faces show up. Atomic Brown Scooter Shop is loaning me one of their twist-n-go's that has a big delivery box on the back so I can carry everyone's packages. Even if it's just the 6 of us Sputnik girls, it will be a blast.

I have been a free woman the past few days and through the weekend. J.D. is in Cleveland, Ohio for Amerivespa...he has worked so hard putting that event together...they had over 300 preregister. He was pretty pumped about that.

So this weekend consists of: giving Ape a vallum so I can clip his toenails, going on the ride, going to a friend's art opening reception and am having the girls over for Sex and The City / pedicure party night. We used to get together every week to watch the dvd's, since not everyone has seen the show all the way through (including me) then we got all busy and stuff, but I'm wanting to watch it so I'm throwing the bash...will be fun...am picking up the cosmo fixin's tonight as well as Mediterranean Deli apps. Woo Hoo.

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