What strange things...bees.
I have come to believe there is a bit of luck in bees...I think they are following me or something, like guardians. As it is clear to see...I love my dog, Ape (Ah-pey). He is the sweetest prettiest little snot. His name means “Bee” in Italian. And, it totally fits him how he bounces and flits around with his little booty and curly tail…so cute. We chose that name because, in the scooter world, a Vespa (Italian motor scooter) which means “Wasp”. I thought that was too obvious of a name, as was Scooter, Spark Plug and any other cheeseball scooter-related word that we came up with while brainstorming. An Ape is a three-wheeled Vespa, made by the same company which usually has a back bed to it.
The bee has kinda become my theme symbol because 1) it is a majestic and pretty thing and 2) it reminds me of my boy. Maybe I have just noticed bees more or maybe they are a sign or something. It’s been a little bizzaro how they are popping up everywhere.
It all started when my girlfriend, deShan, gave me a book to take with me to Europe on my birthday, May 18. It’s called The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. She said it just had to be passed on…as I have done already…a good book with all kinds of references to bees.
Great Book!

Then, I found some tiny little bee charms I wanted to incorporate into a simple silver chain necklace I could wear as an every-day to Europe. I think I’m going to use them on all my jewelry and knitwear now as symbols.
Before we left town, I was walking Ape and where he goes to potty is bed of ivy he loves to jump and play in. There were bumble bees throughout and they didn’t bother him at all…kinda like he was part of the family or something.
On the plane, in the on-board magazine was a feature on t-shirts and one of them had a cute bee on it (www.beetees.com).
Everyday in Austria, while we are having breakfast, we are surrounded by lovely flowering pots and there were bees joining us for tea. Bees were in and on everything, whether real or painted or on clothing…whatever. They were prominent in our world and still are.
Besides all that, I absolutely love honey.
I’ve decided, they, along with my pug baby are my lucky charms…maybe they’ll bring be great fortune one day…you never know…sweet bees.