
My Favorite Vacation Photo

What a crazy day this was. No, I'm not just hangin' out and doing a little knitting. We were stranded and knitting saved my life. On the first big day of the rally, Alex, the main organizer of Eurovespa loaned us his Vespa. We were going on the group ride to Italy for the afternoon and got to Villach, about 30 miles out of the gate, when the bike lost it....it totally died. So, for an hour and a half, here we are stranded on the side of the rode waiting for a pick up. It was actually a lovely place to wait. We had a great view of the country side with a pretty church in front of the mountains. But, thank goodness I brought my knitting that day. And, notice the sticker on my helmut (I Knit). That little capelet project made everything even a little better.

More vacation photos to come.

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