

Yippie. I'm finally getting off my butt and doing something with myself. Now that I have short hair and my hair grows crazy fast and I hate paying for million dollar haircuts once a month, I totally let at least 3 months go by, which is way too long. My bangs were almost a foot long and doesn't really look good like that. So, my girl Sara is giving me a cut and color this afternoon. I decided to go even shorter...I hope I like it. I know I will like not having to fix my hair and not being all hot in the summer. At least I will look cute for our Euro Vaca. I even thought since I was in the "taking care of myself" mood, I might even do a little waxing this weekend...it is bikini season coming up afterall...gotta look good for the boy.

My goal for the weekend is to finish my capelet...almost there...work on some baby gifts and start laying out my stuff for the trip...I hate it when I forget stuff...have my list made out already. Did I mention my awesome pink suitcase...got it in the mail...awesome. I'm gonna look hot going through the airport for sure. Rock on.

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