Freakin' Amazing
Dog Park Fun
As Ape is a pro at working the dog park, this was Enzo's first trip. They were anxious in the back seat as we drove there...looks like we're taking them along with the recycling. They both get along with other dogs very well. Enzo got in their with the big boys just like his brother. He would chase and be chased and when we got home, they were pooped out for the rest of the day. And, you better believe the filthy after taking a dip in the red dirt pond. They just love the dog park!
Subject: Pug Babies
Wonder Shrug
Finally, I take a photo of the OSW. Geez. I finished it last year - used some kind of sale yarn and of course I can't get any more because the co. isn't making any more. It turned out pretty cute...wore it yesterday in fact.
I'm getting ready to start a new one for a friend's birthday gift. She always liked this one. So, once again, photos to come much later.
Subject: Finished Projects, Knitting
Please, tell me no!
Check this out...this classy lady was actually drinking wine with a straw. Tell me that is not happening in public. What is wrong with people? We went to the Summer Soltice dinner at Cafe Nova and she was sitting next to us. Now, this is a very hip place and with a four-course meal, this is just so of course I had to sneak and take an incognito photograph. I just love my little purse size camera. Now I can be a spy!
Dad's Day
The fam came up for Fathers' Day last weekend. We always play Chicken Foot dominos on these ocassions. Husband and Mom always compete to win, the rest of us are just there as pawns to help them beat each other. It's fun though. Ape had to play a hand with his Daddy. Enzo at one point was up there too...he has to be next to his brother at all times...what ever Ape does, Ennie does (notice the two of them in Gramma's lap). My boys are just the cutest.
Subject: Family
Did someone say Odelay?
Rock on with Beck and crew. We went with the Lawton's to see the boy at The Cain's Ballroom in Tulsa. It was pretty awesome...notice the smiling faces and great shots of the stage. They had these hysterical puppets on stage with them and filmed them live as if they were a mini Beck Band...those shots ran up on giant screens. It was too cool. Beck thought it was pretty cleaver!
Go Sputniks
We had our June club meeting at Flip's during their 21st Birthday bash. That was cool...our bikes were certainly a presence. Then we rode to Estrella's Salon, Velvet Monkey Too, and watched the premiere of our film from our scooter rally this past April Fool's Weekend. It was awesome. And, their was plenty of footage of me, so I was happy. Ha! We crammed into the tiny Morracan room to watch the film. Then we went to Pearl's for Perfect Margaritas on the patio. Yum! We likes lots of olives in our Perfects!
Subject: Friendly, Scootering
Yeah for Tay!
The much awaited Tay joined SnB last night. He has been teasing us that he would come one day, but we didn't take him seriously of course...all talk, no do. So, he showed up and with needles and yarn in hand, ready to learn. Here he is in first-row pose. He was a little frustrated, as a new learner should be, but he said he will definately be back next week and he will even practice until then. Whoo hoo! The girls have a new boy! Excellent!
And, I'm knitting a denim blue checked baby blanket with Sirdar NOVA yarn ...but it may be really tiny as I don't think I can get any more of that yarn in town. Dang it.
And, now there are four
We finally got all the pug lovers together recently...boys vs girls. The girls hadn't met Enzo yet, so we had a little swimming pool party to get them aquainted. We hadn't seen Betsy and Chloe in a while...Chloe hadn't really grown in the 4 months it had been since we had seen her...she has only gotten wider, not taller. She was actually still Enzo's size, so they turned out to be a perfect pair. Ape and Betsy have been dating for about a year and a half now. They perk up when we talk about the other one to them. They are way too cute. Last year we took Ape and Betsy to the are hands are going to be full with four, but won't that be a blast. Can't wait.
Subject: Pug Babies
Beanie Weenie
Here's the tuff guy in his first ever anything I've knitted him. He has been a little standoffish from me making him anything, as not to come off cheesey. So, I let him pick his pattern and he ended up liking it. I like it on's a little different from all his other black skull caps. And, it's made from cotton cashmere. What else could he ask for? I do have a great sweater I want to start for him this fall. And, he better wear it too....I think he'll like this one though. Maybe I'll do it for Christmas if he's lucky.
Subject: Finished Projects, Knitting
I modified the pattern a little bit... I do not like the finishing at the crown that the pattern calls for, it wasn't tight enough and I like to get down to at least 10 or fewer stitches before I close off a hat in the round. It made a weird puckering and didn't lay flat to the can kind of see it in the pattern sample. I had to rip it out and start that part over, but it turned out nice. I also wet it and put it in the dryer to shrink it up some. It was a little long over the ears. I'll try a different pattern next time that's a little tighter for the bald head. He likes it though...whoo hoo! I'm a success! I made my husband happy.
Subject: Finished Projects, Knitting
All Girls Shoppin' & Scootin' Ride
These shots are from our recent girls scooter ride. This is the second year the Sputnik girls organized the ride. It was a lot of fun...lots of good things were bought..and most of it on sale...we're such the bargain shoppers. Speaking of: we decided to do a fall shopping ride and go to the discount stores...yum! We'll definately have to take along a sag wagon to load up all our bags though. Toni, Estrella, Chuckie, Michelle, Kristi, Andrea and I attended this year!
Subject: Friendly, Scootering
In front of the darling shoppe Cloverleaf...
Note: my girl is in the forground in her hot pink splendor.
Subject: Scootering
National Knitting in Public Day
Although Saturday was officially Knitting in Public Day and I was busy with the All Girls Scootin' & Shoppin' Ride, we knit out on the usual SnB Thursday night and then went out Friday night too. The girls met at Bin 73, a swank wine bar, for martinis, wine and half-price gourmet apps. We're gonna make that a monthly thing now.
These are the usuals: Laura, Amy and Jen.
Oh, and that's our new mascot Zuck...don't ask.
Bento of the Week
This is yummy smoked salmon
cream cheese and capers
baby tomatos
blue cheese stuffed olives
peppered brie and a ginger chew
Subject: Bento
Camera Cozy
I whipped this up last week at SnB. It's ribbed with a leftover cheniele (I know I spelled that so wrong) I had from a scarf I made for my sis. I made a square of it and seamed up the side and bottom. It turned out real cute and serves it's purpose...keeps my little camera safe and soft, and I can find it my purse just by feel.
Subject: Finished Projects, Knitting
In Memory of Harley
Our dear neighbors had to put their little Harley down yesterday. He was suffering from stomach cancer. He was a sweet little doggie. Our boy's best friend. He will be missed. Here's the only video I have of him (and my first video post). He's playing with Ape when he was a wee little puppy. Sweet boy!
See, I can knit
So, finally taking a few pics of some things I have knitted recently. This is a start anyway. This is me in the hot summer air wearing a scarf and wrist warmers...intended for fall. I wanted to use up some leftover yarn I had. I found this cute scarf pattern online and mixed another yarn in with it to add more color and's pretty first time to make I-cords. The wrist warmers were very easy, another online pattern (need to find those dang links for ya)...getting me ready to make the real ones I want to wear. They will serve their purpose though.
Subject: Finished Projects, Knitting
Bocce Ball Tourny
The boys played in the annual Bocce tournament at Deep Fork this weekend, while the girls stayed in the shade as the cheering section. They did pretty good, but didn't make it to the end. They are going to make a course so they can practice and dominate next year. A course is officially 60 feet by 12 I we will need a giant space to set it up. Should be fun. We have a set and try to play often but make it a little tine course since we have no back yard.