
Looky Looky - My Scooter's Pink

This is the first pic I've seen of my scooter. It's being put together in Austin...I hope it's the wrong color because of the camera and it's in the sun...it's supposed to be a deeper fushia...If it's not right...sorry they're redoing it...I'm crossing my fingers. But and still excited for my pink p200 Vespa. I have to practice riding my husband's Bajaj that he raced across country last fall. He won't be afraid if I bang it up or drop it while learning, cause it's already been through a crash. Can't wait...can't wait. I want to put my logo, once that's finished, on the cowls, which are black, in the coordinating pink color.


The MacKay Way said...

Awsome x a zillion!

I've been hemming an hawing over getting a Vespa...
I'd set my heart on a Pink one and then I was talked out of getting a Vespa AT ALL by a few NYC riders who warned me that the NYC potholes reak havoc on Vespa's because of the wheel size...
I'm still thinking about it though...
A small old one with a rebuilt engine.........mmmmmmmmm.

Knitterista said...

We know a lot of scooterists in NYC - there's even a girls scooter club - Donna Veloci in NYC who ride all vintage bikes. We know Ian who owns a scooter shop, Scooters Originalli in (guess he's in NJ) too..he could totally hook you up with a cool scooter. Also, check out www.iscootny.com - there's a rally coming up there I think in May or June! We are going to be in NYC in October for one of the girls weddings...I'll have to get all the great yarn shop locations from ya.